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Acoustica from Acon Digital, now up to Version 7.7, is a full-featured application for editing, mastering, and restoration work on both macOS (including Native Support for Apple Silicon) and Windows. Acoustica 7.7 is available in both the Standard Edition and the Premium Edition and includes a new ARA2 Plug-in, with support now available from with Avid's Pro Tools. Acoustica 7.7 includes Acon Digital's Remix tool based on deep learning which can split a complete mono or stereo mix into up to five stems. Acoustica 7.7's Remix tool now includes the ability to adjust the sensitivity of the separation for each stem. The spectral editing capabilities, previously available only in the Premium Edition, include area, brush, freehand or magic wand selection tools as well as the important harmonic selection capability. Improved time resolution in the spectrogram is a result of new temporal resolution enhancement technology. A retouch tool removes noise based on a freely selectable reference from the surrounding audio. Acoustica 7.7 now includes automatic captioning and transcription based on automatic speech recognition, an Edit History pane with easy access to earlier editing steps, a new DeEss:Dialogue plugin, a Draw Waveform tool and the ability to tab to transients in the clip editor. A list comparing the features of both the Standard Edition and Premium Edition can be found at the Features section at the link above.

Screenshots courtesy of Christopher Kissel
Acon Digital Releases Acoustica 7.2 with AI Based Stem Separation [Ask.Audio]
Acon’s $200 Acoustica audio editor is an affordable RX7 alternative [Gearnews]
Acon Digital Acoustica 7.5 Review [music marketing]
Acon Digital Acoustica review [TechRadar]
Review: Acon Digital Acoustica 7.2 [MusicTech]
Testing The New Features In Acon Digital Acoustica 7.5 [Production Expert]
Acoustica 7.7 User Guide [Acon Digital AS]
ACON Acoustica 7.5 Updates & Features Walkthrough | Carlo Libertini
Acon Digital Acoustica 7.2 review - Remix tool [Andrei Sora]
Acon digital Acoustica 7.2 VS Izotop rx 7 (in Russian) [Svyatoslav]
Acon Digital Releases Acoustica 7.5 Adding Speech Recognition and New Processing Tools [audioxpress]
Acoustica Premium - Separación de pista en sus Stem (in Spanish) [Alonso Ararat]
Audio Source Separation Plugin | Acon Digital | NAMM Show 2020 [Plugin Boutique]
Discover Acoustica 7.3 [Acon Digital]
Discover Acoustica 7.5 [Acon Digital]
Novedades en Acoustica Premium 7.2 (Editor de Audio) (in Spanish) [Alonso Ararat]