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Audition CC
The latest version of Adobe Audition, Audition CC, includes a number of spectral editing and sound source separation tools. Although Adobe's Audition application, now renamed Audition CC as part of Adobe's Creative Cloud suite of software, has had spectral editing capabilities and tools for some time now, Adobe has recently introduced a tool called Sound Remover. Based on Semi-Supervised Source Separation, Sound Remover excels at "removing dynamic sounds from your source material while minimizing artifacts and loss to other, overlapping sounds". Audition CC is available for macOS and Windows.

Screenshot of Audition CS5.5 courtesy of Christopher Kissel
Adobe Audition CC Review (video) [Mike Russell, Music Radio Creative]
How to Edit using the Spectral Display in Audition CC (Audio 101: Part 3) [Jason Levine]
Using the Sound Remover effect [Adobe]
Using the Spectral Frequency Display to clean up your audio [Adobe]