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Here you will find links to information about the latest commercially released compact discs which include upmixes from mono to stereo created through the use of audio spectral editing, sound source separation, and related processes. Click on the links below for more information! Please visit the RELEASED 1 and RELEASED 2 pages for information about previous releases!
HARD TO FIND JUKEBOX CLASSICS STEREO EXPLOSION VOLUME 12: THE BRITISH INVASION on the Hit Parade Records label, collects 27 songs classics by the original artists, with all 27 in stereo, many making their stereo debut! Sound samples for all tracks are available at the link!
HARD TO FIND JUKEBOX CLASSICS STEREO EXPLOSION VOLUME 11: 50s & 60s POP CLASSICS on the Hit Parade Records label, collects 28 songs classics by the original artists, all in stereo, with many making their stereo debut Sound samples for all tracks are available at the link!
SUN RECORDS: 25 CLASSIC ORIGINALS IN STEREO! on the Hit Parade Records label, collects 25 Sun Records classics by the original artists, all in stereo, with most of these songs making their stereo debut! Sound samples for all tracks are available at the link!
HARD TO FIND JUKEBOX CLASSICS STEREO EXPLOSION VOLUME 10: SIXTIES CLASSICS, 1960-65 on the Hit Parade Records label, collects 29 classics by Fats Domino, all in stereo, with 23 stereo debuts and 6 new remixes! Sound samples for all tracks are available at the link!
HARD TO FIND JUKEBOX CLASSICS STEREO EXPLOSION VOLUME 9: THOSE OLDIES BUT GOODIES, 1956-61 on the Hit Parade Records label, collects 27 classic songs, all in stereo, with 24 of these songs making their stereo debut and 3 new remixes! Sound samples for all tracks are available at the link!
HARD TO FIND JUKEBOX CLASSICS STEREO EXPLOSION VOLUME 8: FIFTIES CROONERS, DOO WOP & MORE on the Hit Parade Records label, collects 28 songs classics by the original artists, all in stereo, with 26 of these songs making their stereo debut and 2 new remixes! Sound samples for all tracks are available at the link!
ORIGINAL BIG BAND MASTERPIECES IN STEREO! on the Hit Parade Records label, collects 23 original big band classics by the original artists, all in stereo, with all of these songs making their stereo debut! Sound samples for all tracks are available at the link!
CHUCK BERRY STEREO 27 ORIGINAL HITS on the Hit Parade Records label, collects 27 classics by Chuck Berry, all in stereo, with 22 of these songs making their stereo debut! Sound samples for all tracks are available at the link!
THE DEFINITIVE STEREO FATS DOMINO: 29 CLASSICS on the Hit Parade Records label, collects 29 classics by Fats Domino, all in stereo, with 23 stereo debuts and new remixes! Sound samples for all tracks are available at the link!
THE DEFINITIVE STEREO BUDDY HOLLY 30 CLASSICS, on the Hit Parade Records label, collects 30 classics by Buddy Holly, all in stereo, with 17 of these songs making their stereo debut! Sound samples for all tracks are available at the link!
JUDY GARLAND AT 100 26 CLASSICS IN STEREO!, on the Hit Parade Records label, collects 26 classics by Judy Garland, all in stereo, with 22 of these songs making their stereo debut! Sound samples for all tracks are available at the link!
HARD TO FIND JUKEBOX CLASSICS – STEREO EXPLOSION VOLUME 7: 1960-66, on the Hit Parade Records label, collects 30 classics from 1960-66, all in stereo, with 24 of these songs making their stereo debut! Sound samples for all tracks are available at the link!
HARD TO FIND JUKEBOX CLASSICS – STEREO EXPLOSION VOLUME 6: FABULOUS FIFTIES, on the Hit Parade Records label, collects 29 fifties classics, all in stereo, with 28 of these songs making their stereo debut! Sound samples for all tracks are available at the link!
HARD TO FIND JUKEBOX CLASSICS – STEREO EXPLOSION VOLUME 5: POP (1955-64), on the Hit Parade Records label, collects 29 pop songs from the 50s and 60s all in stereo, with almost all of these songs making their stereo debut! Sound samples for all tracks are available at the link!