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Here are some helpful links. Please use the CONTACT page to suggest additional links or to report any dead links. Thanks!
Recorded Sound Research Center
Recording Engineer / Producer - REP
RUELaudio Inc. - Let the magic happen
San Diego Music and Audio Guild
San Francisco Audiophile Society
Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity
SMAC Southeast Michigan Audio Club
Society for Mathematics and Computation in Music (SMCM)
Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC)
Society of Motion Pictures and Television Engineers (SMPTE)
Society of Professional Audio Recording Services (SPARS)
Sound Engineering Academy Blog
Soundontime | A Blog For Music Production Enthusiasts
Southeastern Michigan Woofer and Tweeter Marching Society
Stereo Sound ONLINE (Japanese)
Steve Hoffman Music Forums - Massively popular music forums!
Studio Knowledge Magazine
Studio forum (Swedish)
Studio Magazin (German)
Studio Sound / Tape Recorder
Suono (Italian)
Synth Anatomy
Synth and Software
Synthforum.NL (Dutch)
Sztereó Sound and Vision (Hungarian)