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SPEAR, which stands for Sinusoidal Partial Editing Analysis and Resynthesis, is a spectral editor developed by Michael Klingbeil. SPEAR is available free of charge for Mac OS 9, macOS, and Windows. SPEAR hasn't been updated in a number of years but may prove interesting to experiment with.

Screenshot courtesy of Christopher Kissel
Spear - ghostly traffic sounds [Abby Aresty]
Spear - New way to edit & process audio [Rishabh Rajan]
Spear - tutorial ITA - Disegna parziali (in Italian)
Spear - tutorial ITA - Panoramica e Analisi di un Suono (in Italian)
Spear - tutorial ITA - salva progetto o esporta audio (in Italian)
Spear - tutorial ITA - Selezione di Parziali (in Italian)
Spear - tutorial ITA - Timestretch (in Italian)
Spear - tutorial ITA - Trasposizione nel tempo di parziali (Time shift) (in Italian)