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SpectraLayers Pro 11
OFFICIAL PAGE: SpectraLayers Pro 11
SpectraLayers Pro 11, from Steinberg, is another major upgrade to SpectraLayers Pro. According to Steinberg, "SpectraLayers 11 features new AI algorithms for speech and music repair, as well as process chaining, batch processing and volume envelope control. Enjoy new selection-edge fade modifiers, enhanced transient editing, and new visualization options." Of particular interest to those wishing to upmix mono source material to stereo is the improved Unmix Song module which will now separate your audio content into as many as seven stems: vocals, drums, bass, piano, guitar, sax & brass (new!) and "other", label them, and place them on their own layers. The improved Unmix Drums feature can now unmix your drums into clean kick, snare, hi-hat and cymbals layers. Additionally, the new Unmix Chorus module can separate the backing vocals from the lead vocals! The processing is done very quickly and is performed locally on your macOS or Windows computer. A new Extreme Quality setting provides exceptional quality for your separated stems! A new Transfer Brush allows you to nondestructively shift content between source and destination layers. Another useful tool is an AI-based pattern finder which will search your audio file for sounds which are similar to the one that you have specified. The Unmix Components feature will separate your content into tone, noise, and transient component layers. The improved Unmix Multiple Voices module can register unique voice profiles to extract two or more voices to their own independent layers with superior results. Other AI-based tools include an Improved Voice Denoiser, Improved Clip Repair, De-esser, Ambience Matching, EQ Matching, Reverb Reduction, Hum Reduction, Clip Repair, De-Bleed, and improved Healing. Significant improvements to the interface include a new Modules Panel which allows you to customize the interface to your preferences. You can even expand the area of the spectrogram by selecting the Compact Panels View, which condenses the right side of the interface into columns of icons with their controls remaining accessible at all times. SpectraLayers Pro 11 includes ARA 2 technology which allows you to launch SpectraLayers directly into your Pro Tools, Cubase, Nuendo or other ARA-supporting DAW timelines. SpectraLayers Pro 11 includes an incredible number of new features and enhancements! Full details are available at the link above. Highly recommended!

Screenshots courtesy of Christopher Kissel
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Review: Sony Spectralayers Pro 2 [AskAudio]
Review: Steinberg SpectraLayers Pro 6 [MusicTech]
Sony SpectraLayers Pro Review [Ryan Matthew Pierson: LockerGnome]
Sony SpectraLayers Pro 3: painting audio for audio engineers, remix artists and audio-for-video producers [IT Enquirer]
Steinberg SpectraLayers Pro 6 [Sound On Sound]
Steinberg: SpectraLayers Pro 6 Spectral Editor [Tape Op Magazine]
SpectraLayers Pro 11 Operation Manual (PDF)
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New Features in SpectraLayers 11 | Promo [Steinberg]
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Review: Sony SpectraLayers Pro [Streaming Media]
Review: Spectralayers Pro 8 [musictechtuition]
Robin Lobel of Spectralayers at Winter NAMM 2019 [OBEDIA]
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Select Similar | Spectralayers Pro 7 Tutorials [Steinberg]
Selection-Based Effects in SpectraLayers Pro | New Revolutionary Sound Editor [Steinberg]
Sony SpectraLayers Pro demo [Harmony Central]
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SpectraLayers Pro 2: Extract Shape [Sony]
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SpectraLayers Pro 4 Intro [Robin Lobel]
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SpectraLayers Pro 5: Advanced Audio Spectrum Editor (INT) [MAGIX]
Spectralayers Pro 7 by Steinberg - Spectral EQ and Audio Processing [White Noise Studio]
SpectraLayers Pro 7: Voice Repair and Restore Operations | Live Session March 6, 2021 [Steinberg]
SpectraLayers Pro 8: New Features, Part 1 | Live Session July 10, 2021 [Steinberg]
SpectraLayers Pro 8: New Features, Part 2 | Live Session October 16, 2021 [Steinberg]
SpectraLayers 9 Pro Creating Stems in Real Time Demo [Lost in Thought]
SpectraLayers 9 Pro Test Run [Lost in Thought]
SpectraLayers Pro 10 Unmix Test [Benedikt Brydern]
SpectraLayers 9 World Premiere [Steinberg]
SpectraLayers Pro The Basics | SpectraLayers Live Session June 17, 2020 [Steinberg]
SpectraLayers Pro Training [Sony]
SpectraLayers Tutorials - Cleaning up ambient sounds [Robin Lobel]
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Steinberg’s SpectraLayers Pro 6: visual audio editing with ARA support [postPerspective]
Testing of Spectralayers 10 Pro [Frank Kim's Workroom]
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This is a big one! [White Noise Studio]
Transform Tool | Spectralayers Pro 7 Tutorials [Steinberg]
Unmix | Spectralayers Pro 7 Tutorials [Steinberg]
Unmix Components | Spectralayers Pro 7 Tutorials [Steinberg]
Unmix Levels | New Features in SpectraLayers 9 [Steinberg]
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Unscrambling the audio omelette [David Smith]
User Interface Enhancements | New Features in SpectraLayers 11 [Steinberg]
Visual Audio Transformation in SpectraLayers Pro | New Revolutionary Sound Editor [Steinberg]
Vocal Stem Cleaning | SpectraLayers 8 Tutorials [Steinberg]
Workflow and Speed Improvements | New Features in SpectraLayers 9 [Steinberg]
Worth the Upgrade? [White Noise Studio]
8 Reasons to Upgrade to SpectraLayers Pro [Steinberg]